The World Intellectual Property Organization database to search for trademark images is now functioning
The new world wide database for trademarks from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) allows the user to upload an image in their digital platform in order to search for other trademarks with a similar appearance and relevant data to compare it to theirs.
Changes on Powers of Attorneys in LATAM
BR Latin America is keeping you updated on some of the changes applied in the Powers of Attorney in four countries of Latin America.
A new way to fight back the Patent Trolls in United States
Alvaro Ramirez, President of B&R Latin America IP LLC, is developing a new digital platform, called Kill The Patent Troll. The main purpose of this new platform is to help small, medium and big companies when they have a legal issue with a Patent Troll (PT).
BR Latin America Awarded for Outstanding Portafolio Management
BR Latin America would like to share with you one of our achievements in 2015. We were awarded by Corporate LiveWire in the 2015 Mergers & Acquisitions Awards Guide, over the past 12 months, BR Latin America demonstrated excellence in our deal making.
New legal Procedure for Trademarks in Paraguay
The National Direction of Intellectual Property (DINAPI) of Paraguay has issued a new circular No. 07/2015.
Colombia’s Fashion Week
Within the framework of the twenty-sixth edition of Colombiamoda fashion week held in the city of Medellin from July 28 to July 30 of 2015, Trademarks were the centerpiece of the event, and for us the raw material of the service we provide.
New procedures in the trademark registration process in Argentina
The National Institution of Industrial Property (INPI) in Argentina, has given an excellent use to their new technology, by improving and reducing the time and work done in the trademark registration process.
Well done! Impressive achievements for Peruvian IP
The Peruvian PTO –INDECOPI- has earned bragging rights due to its achievements in promotion of intellectual property for domestic applicants and speeding up the processing times for registration applications.
Do you have any questions in trademark registration or patent protection? Get an estimate