Within the framework of the twenty-sixth edition of Colombiamoda fashion week held in the city of Medellin from July 28 to July 30 of 2015, Trademarks were the centerpiece of the event, and for us the raw material of the service we provide. The economy of the event had a remarkable growth given that the number of domestic and foreign participants increased significantly.
In 2014, ProColombia allowed to conduct business by $43.5 million thanks to the participation of international buyers. This year, 2015 ProColombia invited 672 international buyers from 36 different countries, who represented 479 companies, 250 companies took part for the first time at the fair this year.
United States participated with 141 buyers from 109 companies and it was the country where the largest number of new businesses assisted (52), in relation to their participation last year they reported a growth of 23% in 2015. From the Pacific Alliance (An alliance that offers opportunities to entrepreneurs and investors) 89 buyers from 72 companies assisted, from the European Union 41 buyers of 29 companies participated. Canada registered a significant increase in their participation in 2015, this year 38 buyers from 35 companies participated, which represented an increase of 22% compared to last year, 2014.
This facts shows how the Fashion Industry has become a potential trade in Colombia and how it can be related to Intellectual Property through existing or emerging brands presented in these fashion events.
Trademarks and Patents provides safety and quality to the products and this becomes a plus when one of the main targets is to get foreign companies or clients. By proving quality in the products it allows all sort of industries to get a good worldwide recognition, just like ProColombia did.
We supported them in their journey, this is why we would like to share with you some images if these great event, so you can see for yourself how industries grows. Because BR Latin America is connected to #colombiamoda 2015.

Photo by: Inexmoda Press Fashion week in Medellin Colombia

Photo by: Inexmoda Press Fashion week in Medellin Colombia