

The Opposition System for Trademark Registration in Mexico comes into force

September 6th, 2016|

The Senate unanimously approved the Industrial Property Law reform proposal (Ley de la Propiedad Industrial) in which the trademark opposition system was projected and came into force on August 30, 2016.

5 Reasons Your Trademark Registration Will Be Rejected in United States

August 19th, 2016|

Who wants to go to the expense and time to file for a federal trademark registration for a new brand name and then get totally shot down, rejected? Many first time business owners use filing services such as Legal Zoom.

Entidades en Colombia Ofrecen Asesoramiento y Financiación a Inventores

August 17th, 2016|

En Colombia y en Medellín queda mucho por hacer en tema de patentes, por tal razón Ruta N acaba de lanzar una convocatoria al público. Se pueden patentar inventos, es decir soluciones novedosas e inventivas a problemas técnicos.

New Domain Extensions: Benefits and Opportunities for Businesses in Latin America

August 8th, 2016|

In order to avoid online brand piracy, brand owners should simply secure Internet addresses with their brand name before others do. This might sound expensive, but it’s not. 

Do you have any questions in trademark registration or patent protection? Get an estimate

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