
Law 20, 243 extends IP benefits for performing artists, directors and scriptwriters in Chile

There’s been several cases of copyright infringement, therefore in order to avoid this and protect the creations of this industry, Law 20,959 was published on the Official Gazette to extend the rights established in Article 3 of Law 20,243 to directors and scriptwriters. 

2017-11-20T19:49:48-05:00November 24th, 2016|

The Venezuelan Patent and Trademark Office informed of a process to speed up decisions over trademark oppositions

The VPTO has notified to the interested parties, in the Extraordinary Gazette Official No. 566 dated September 8, 2016, that they must ratify in writing their interest in continuing pending opposition procedures.

2019-03-14T15:57:15-05:00October 25th, 2016|

Important Facts of Franchise and Licensing Agreements in Latin America

A franchise agreement may involve an international relation; in others words, two or even three parts with different nationalities, and generally the agreement must be governed by the laws of each country in which the business will be settled.

2019-03-19T09:18:33-05:00July 5th, 2016|
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