Act INPI No. 131 of 23 April 1997 for Trademarks
This Act. regulates the procedure for the registration of a Trademark in Brazil.
Trademark Law 10.196 of 14 February 2001 in Brazil
Law 10.196 of 14 February 2001 is the emendation of Law 9.279 of May 14, 1996.
Drones and the challenges of Intellectual Property
The robotic technology advancement applied to mini flying robots called Drones, come of course, with a challenge to protect them.
New Regulation for Patent Priorities
The National Office of Industrial Property (DNPI) recently issued Resolution 30-2014, regarding priority patents and their translations.
Trademark matters in Panama just got easier
Having a regional practice on Intellectual Property makes our firm specially sensitive to changes and differences on each country’s IP regulation. Little differences in formalitiesoften turn into huge differences in time and expenses.
The Fight Against Piracy Goes On
The Latin American region still suffers from piracy. In fact, the region has never developed a strong culture of respect towards copyrights. The numbers of the piracy rates in Latin America can support this statement.
What you need to know about a Trademark
A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment.
Trademarks in the IP chapter of the TPP: Yes or No?
Recently, the US, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia and New Zeeland have reached an agreement of what could be the biggest Free Trade Agreement in the history of the World: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (“TPP”).
Do you have any questions in trademark registration or patent protection? Get an estimate