Law 23 of 1982 for Copyrights
Colombia has a law for copyrights and related aspects, which regulates in detail the most important topics in this field.
Colombia has a law for copyrights and related aspects, which regulates in detail the most important topics in this field.
Law No. 1455 of June 29, 2011 regulates the Madrid Protocol Agreement concerning the international registration of trademarks.
Law N ° 1648 July 12, 2013 establishes measures of enforcement of Industrial property rights In Colombia.
The Latin American region still suffers from piracy. In fact, the region has never developed a strong culture of respect towards copyrights. The numbers of the piracy rates in Latin America can support this statement.
A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment.
Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador are member’s country of the Andean Community. For copyright and related rights matters there is the 351/1993 decision.
For industrial property concerns there is the 486/2000 decision for the countries member's of the Andean Community; Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.
The Patent Prosecution Highway is an agreement that speeds up the examination process of a patent application, and is basically a cooperation system among different patent offices between the countries that are part of this treaty.
Revolutionary changes will be implemented in the administrative software that is in charge of the distinctive signs in the Superintendence of Industry and commerce, Colombia’s trademark authority.
During the last ten years Colombia has substantially improved its business climate for foreign investments and international business. Nowadays, the country may offer in general terms, a predictable and transparent environment for business.