Trademark fees will increase in Argentina
The Trademark Direction of the National Institute of Industrial Property in Argentina decreed that the trademark fees will rise from October of 2015.
Important notice: Abrupt increase in official fees in Venezuela
The Autonomous Intellectual Property Service (SAPI) of Venezuela issue an Official notice that notifies an increase of the tax stamps needed to pay the renewal fees, the registration fees, the assignments, mergers, licenses, trademarks and patents and patent annuities.
What you need to know about Annuity Payments in LATAM
BR Latin America does the ANNUITY PAYMENTS for you and a continually monitoring to your patents. The payment of maintenance fees, is a time consuming process for you because there's different procedures for every country, so we can help you with this.
Get protection and security for your investments in Colombia
There are several types of IIA. First of all, there are the agreements aimed mainly to protect the establishment, operation, management or expansion of foreign investments.
Booster for multinational companies
Established global companies and emerging locals are battling for dominance. Here's how to handicap the winners.
PCT 101 – A beginner’s guide to global patent strategy
Through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a patent can be sought simultaneously in all member countries of the treaty, within a longer time limit than the one of national applications.
Colombia in the eyes of worldwide private equity funds
Colombia's legal frame work is attracting more investment in Private Equity funds.
One Power Of Attorney for LATAM
With our new service you don't need to waste your time getting legalized different documents you just need to give us a single Power of Attorney and we will handle the rest.
Do you have any questions in trademark registration or patent protection? Get an estimate