Resolution No. 3718 of 2016 for Trademarks
Resolution No. 3718 seeks to amend paragraphs and of Chapter I in Title X of the Circular and add paragraphs, and in Chapter I of Title X of the Circular.
Online platforms and Big Data promise to revolutionize the legal market
The new technologies that change the business models of transportation, tourism, commerce and advertising are looking forward to change the law firm's industry.
Law No. 19.342 of 1994
In 1994 was issued a law which regulates the rights of breeders of plant varieties.
Law No. 20.569 for Industrial Property in Chile
Law No. 20.569 modifies Law No. 19.039 regarding Industrial Property.
Law No. 19.039 of Industrial Property
Chile has a law that compiles almost all the regulations concerning Industrial Property, which has been amended on numerous occasions. The original law is the 19.039 law of 2006
Law 44 of 1993 Copyright
These are the modifications of law 23 of 1982, which is worthwhile to have in mind: The law 44 of 1993 that added sanctions of criminal type of copyright infringement.
Law 23 of 1982 for Copyrights
Colombia has a law for copyrights and related aspects, which regulates in detail the most important topics in this field.
Law No. 1455 Madrid Protocol Trademarks
Law No. 1455 of June 29, 2011 regulates the Madrid Protocol Agreement concerning the international registration of trademarks.
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