The Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi) in Peru, launched the ‘Electronic Gazette of Industrial Property’ free of charge, a digital tool for the publication of applications for registrations of distinctive signs, inventions and new technologies.

The Electronic Gazette simplifies the procedure and reduces costs for obtaining trademarks and patents. In this way, Peru is at the forefront in strengthening the protection of intellectual property, as it will promote the obtaining of trademarks and patents, in a simplified way and with a significant saving since the application does not have to be published in El Peruano. Which means saving a fee that oscillated between 150 and 500 Soles, depending on the length of the communication.

This tool has two main advantages. First, the free publication of applications for those who carry out more than one procedure to obtain trademarks or patents, taking into account that the publication is a mandatory requirement. The second advantage according to Indecopi, is the reduction of the deadlines, for a trademark registration there’s a possibility to obtain a trademark in 45-60 business days, and the legal deadline is 180 business days. In the case of patents, the term could be reduced by 30-50 business days.

In addition, thanks to this new mechanism, applications will no longer be abandoned due to the lack of publication, as Indecopi will assume the responsibility of automatically publish the abstract of the applications when they meet the legal requirements.

Remember that these deadlines are according to Indecopi and when the application runs smoothly without oppositions or requirements, in some cases it might take more time to have the grating of a patent or trademark.

The Indecopi Electronic Gazette of Intellectual Property is published daily and is now available, permanently, and free of fees. This new tool was published by the Supreme Decree No. 071-2017-PCM.

For more information regarding trademark and patent registrations in Peru do not hesitate to contact us at: