Innovation and creativity has increase in Mexico.
The number of patents and trademarks registered in Mexico have increase since 2015 and the numbers are rising for this year (2016). According to Miguel Ángel Margáin, Director General of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) reported that in 2015 the country reached the highest level in patent applications for inventions and trademarks, with 142,000 registered and with a total of more than one hundred.
Trademark Applications in Mexico
The Director of IMPI pointed out that Mexico ranks the ninth position in the world in terms of the number of registered trademarks.
The 60% of the brands in the country corresponds to the service category and 40% for products, showing an increase in the applications for service trademarks to distinguish services like; education, entertainment, accommodation, restaurants, businesses and between others.
Patent Applications in Mexico
The applications for inventions, which are protected through three figures that are patents, industrial designs and utility models, increase in a very significant number, approximately 20,450. This places Mexico on the fourteenth position in the world ranking for applications and eleventh for registrations.
In the patents area, the most protected devices were appliances, followed by chemical and electrical processes. There was an increase in the applications of biotechnology in two aspects; pharmaceutical and agri-food.
The Cities with more Patent Applications in Mexico
In 2015, there were 18,071 patent applications, of which 364 were Mexican. This year from January to June there are 8,761 of which 542 are Mexican.
Mexico City leads the number of applications for inventions with 342, Jalisco the second place with 201 and Guanajuato is in third place with 174 in the period from January to June 2016.
Among the applications for Mexican inventions by Federative Entity, in Jalisco 102 corresponded to industrial designs, 43 to utility models and 56 to patents, giving a total of 201.
Requirements to file a Patent in Mexico
The requirements to file a successful patent in Mexico are three: that the invention or entrepreneurship is novel, has an inventive procedure and an industrial application. It is important that companies patent their inventions to protect them from plagiarism since the patent is not only essential to protect a product, it is also necessary to grant licenses.