The Trademark Direction of the National Institute of Industrial Property in Argentina decreed that the trademark fees will rise from October of 2015.

This changes will be applied with the aim of providing greater agility, economy and efficiency in the trademark registration process, also to replace the nomenclature of products and services, according to the guidelines of the International Classification of Products and Services approved by The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

It is important to distinguish this fees applications to register trademarks, oppositions and other parts relating to the procedures in the Authority’s Application of the law No. 22.362, since every registration must be submitted and shall be subject to the payment of the duties provided for in Annex III of the Decree No. 260 dated March 20, 1996. If the applicants do not pay these fees, the Trademark Direction of Argentina will not receive any process whose application is not accompanied by the respective proof of payment.

Procedures related to the registration of trademarks can be done by the applicants; individuals or legal; their representatives with sufficient power or a power of attorney to represent them in the National Public Administration and in the Industrial Property office where they are registered. If you have any question about these fees contact us and we will provide the accurate information.

For more information about these fees in Argentina contact us at: