PCT 101 – A beginner’s guide to global patent strategy
Through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a patent can be sought simultaneously in all member countries of the treaty, within a longer time limit than the one of national applications.
Through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a patent can be sought simultaneously in all member countries of the treaty, within a longer time limit than the one of national applications.
BR Latin America is keeping you updated on some of the changes applied in the Powers of Attorney in four countries of Latin America.
BR Latin America would like to share with you one of our achievements in 2015. We were awarded by Corporate LiveWire in the 2015 Mergers & Acquisitions Awards Guide, over the past 12 months, BR Latin America demonstrated excellence in our deal making.
Latin American PTOs have spent several years working on two major cooperation agreements, designed to not only speed up procedures but also to increase the reliability of information and to avoid duplicated procedures